ACLU Files Suit Against NSA 'Upstream' Surveillance

NSA halts controversial email collection practice to Apr 28, 2017 NSA Ends Upstream “About” Data Collection - Infosecurity May 02, 2017 The End of “About” Collection under Section 702 - Lawfare

Wikimedia upstream lawsuit underlines massive government

Mar 16, 2017 Appeals court gives Wikimedia thumbs up to sue NSA for The government has previously argued that the NSA’s Upstream warrantless spying is authorized under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Thanks to Upstream surveillance, the NSA halts controversial email collection practice to

NSA halts controversial email collection practice to

Upstream vs. PRISM | Electronic Frontier Foundation In upstream surveillance, the NSA’s partners like AT&T tap into the high capacity fiber optic cables that carry Internet traffic and copy all of the data flowing through those cables. EFF has long argued that this initial interception and copying is a seizure under the Fourth Amendment and should require a warrant. NSA surveillance programs Prism and Upstream renewed with They're the US National Security Agency's Prism and Upstream programs, both of which former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed to journalists in 2013. The law that authorizes those programs NSA Stops Certain Section 702 "Upstream" Activities Apr 28, 2017