If you want to make your own mask, the internet is full of useful tutorials, depending on your skill level and access to sewing equipment. Here are a few, gathered by the state Health Department

1. Always make it easy to resume a binge. The streamers have conditioned us to think of bingeing as their, and our, raison d’etre, and odds are you’re sitting down for the latest episode of Aug 03, 2017 · 24 things you should never, ever google. These search terms may sound benign, but if you're not careful, they can be anything but. From the terrifying to the profoundly time-consuming, these 24 Let's say you do 100 searches using Google Search. Probability would suggest that AutoComplete will be helpful some of the time, useless some of the time and uncannily accurate some of the time. Oct 06, 2015 · For those of you who can't get enough Donald Trump in your lives, never fear: now there's a program that lets you have him say anything you can think of. Warning: Make sure you collect the responder’s email either in the form or under the Settings options. f.) In Google for Work Apps, you can collect respondents' email addresses if they are a part of your company. Did you find this article useful? For more handy Google Apps tips, follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. For instance, you could say something like: "Add to my calendar, project meeting on June 12th at 11 a.m." or "Make an appointment for a lunch meeting with Bill and Susan Friday at noon at Jerry's Nov 11, 2012 · Google and other search engines need to ensure that users' ambiguous queries are treated broadly to improve the chances of satisfying those queries. So the criteria we can use to more reliably satisfy the question "what does Google want in a website" can be somewhat vague and ambiguous themselves. Here are a few examples.

Translation history will soon only be available when you are signed in and will be centrally managed within My Activity.Past history will be cleared during this upgrade, so make sure to save translations you want to remember for ease of access later.

To make Google your default search engine, you just need to switch from apps to the desktop. Here two options to help you switch to the desktop: The quick way: If you see a black bar at the bottom of the screen saying “The site www.google.com uses add-ons that require Internet Explorer on the desktop”, click the blue Open button to switch Okay Google is a hotword to bring to life Google Now virtual voice-enabled assistant available in Google mobile app, within Chrome browser, or Google search. Using it, you can easily get needed information, set reminders, run applications or perform any other actions like calling and texting. You can hear Issa Rae answer your questions, tell you about the weather, offer words of inspiration and more, while the regular Assistant voice handles the rest. Just say “Hey Google, talk like Issa” to get started. After you make the change, listen up - you may hear some fun surprises along the way. With Talk, your phone will speak what you type. Make your phone say anything you want in many languages! Let your phone read the news for you! It supports importing web pages directly from the browser to listen to them. You can also import text from any other apps. Features: - Text to voice - Read web pages - Play / Pause / Stop - Export audio as WAV file - Lots of languages (internet

Type whatever you want, and create a video of Barack Obama saying it.