In the Menu settings, check the Provide a menu link option. The Page Title will be displayed In the Menu link title field, or you may enter the text you want to appear on the menu button for your page. Under the Parent Item drop-down, select the section of the site you where want your new page's menu button to display.

Drupal 7 Template Page 8 of 43 Settings Menu Link – Your page will appear in the left side navigation menu of the parent item you select, click the Provide a Menu Link check box. This will cause the other options for setting a menu item to appear. Menu Link Title – This is the phrasing that will appear in the left side navigation menu that will Oct 01, 2008 · Global Redirect with Path (and usually Pathauto) really is the best way - it just takes care of it automatically. Taxonomy term pages (/taxonomy/term/1) can be redirected manually with Path Redirect, but it won't let you do that for nodes (plus it would be a pain to add every time). Dec 22, 2015 · One of our users wanted to re-enable the Shortcut menu in his Drupal 7 site, after it had become disabled. In this short tutorial, I'm going to show you how to enable and disable the module that renders the Shortcut menu. The Shortcut menu is located on the top of a default Drupal site, just below the main administration menu. Oct 26, 2012 · Hiding a module’s title in Joomla 3.0. Log into your Joomla 3.0 admin dashboard; Click Extensions in the top menu, and then click Module Manager; In the list of modules on the page, click the module that you want to hide the title of; Find the setting labeled Show Title: Show Title Show/Hide module title on display. Apr 05, 2011 · The exclude_node_title module provides a checkbox on node-edit pages for easier exclusion, or you can use the admin page to manually enter a list of node id’s to exclude title. This module is available with Drupal version 6 and 7.

Oct 22, 2018 · Drupal Seven is adding the 2 classes section & clearfix to my id of header. I’m expecting it to just be even next to it, I added the ugly borders to see what could be keeping it from flowing up.

4. Add a Link Title and URL. Link Title field = enter the text you want the link to attach to. URL field = enter the URL that you want to send your user to - if you would like to use Linkit, just click the Search button. Under the p_menu_icon field, locate the word here and click on the link. Site Header Title: Same as the previous theme. The text provided here will appear in the site header, to the right of the main logo. The text will be set in "Buzz" Gold. Hide Home Page Title: Check this box if you want the default page title text to NOT appear on your home page. Note that this is NOT the Site Header Title (as mentioned above 7 Create menus. Navigate to menu configuration page (Structure > Menus > Main navigation) add click 'Edit menu'. Click '+ Add link' and enter required field and save. Example you can create menu for contact form, follow above steps and enter Menu link title as 'Contact us' and enter Link '/contact'. In your Drupal admin go to menu Modules – and enable the one called Contact7.7 (Enables the use of both personal and site-wide contact forms). Check it and click Save Configuration at the bottom. Make sure that under the Modules menu -> Panels all these modules are enabled:

I wrote a post on Hiding page titles for specific node types in Drupal 6, this is just an updated post for Drupal 7. The code is essentially the same, but requires just a minor change. If you want to hide the page title on only the front page of your Drupal 7 website, add the following code to your themes template.php file (replacing THEMENAME with the name of your theme): function THEMENAME

Apr 13, 2010 · Make sure you are logged in to Drupal. Navigate to the page you wish to hide or unhide from the navigation menu. Click “Settings” in the Edit Console in the upper lefthand corner of the screen. Scroll down to “Appearance” and click to expand the menu. Click “Menu & Layout” to expand the menu. Some Drupal 9 modules contain git code and want to be installed as git submodules I'm building a small, simple D9 site and the current versions of backup_migrate (5.0.0-rc1) and classy_paragraphs (8.x-1.x-dev) both contain .git folders and code that force them to want to be included as git submodules instead of just committed to my git repo. Save menu links programatically in Drupal 7. This post is part of a series of posts on making changes in Drupal programmatically rather than in the Drupal interface.. In this tutorial, we will look at saving menu items programmatically.